Pretty Pictures
Seeing as I was having a good bitch and moan last week I thought it would be a good idea to redress the balance with a happy post. Sadly we are not able to trade trees like we have done in years past so the number in the garden is drastically reduced. However the quality, relatively speaking has improved seeing as a lot of the lesser materials have gone.
It’s been a rank summer here on the east coast with almost constant onshore northerly winds and this has seriously hit our plants. We have also not seen the sun very often so progress has been catastrophically slow. These pic’s were snapped on a dank dark heavily overcast morning at the height of summer but lets not go there.
Many of these trees are part of my own collection and will not be for sale, at least not without a very serious offer. If there is anything you would like me to consider letting go just drop me a line at [email protected].