Sunday 3 November found me stumbling around in the dark at 4am in my keks trying to get dressed without causing too much of a ruckus. The reason for being afoot at such an unearthly hour? I had agreed to attend the Heathrow Bonsai show and because I live in the nether regions it was a fair hike. We set out at 5am in the dark and it was cold, I HATE winter time. One of the great benefits of living in ‘clod hopper’ country if that we can travel 60 miles on a Sunday morning without even seeing another car on the road the upshot of which found us at the venue before 8am.
All was pretty quiet upon our arrival but a warm cuppa’ was quickly provided. As we stood around people started coming from all corners, cars arrived and spilled bonsai and related paraphernalia all over the yard. By 9am the place was packed, it reminded me of one of those colonies of soldier ants moving home. I have to say how impressed I was with everyone beavering away and working together. The result was an impressive display of bonsai in every size, shape and colour.
My job for the day was to provide a little entertainment and education with a demonstration. Mark had asked me to bring along a privet. The tree I chose belonged to my good friend Stuart who was only allowed to purchase the tree on the understanding I had it for this event. About 5 hours saw it tidied away thanks to a little help from Bob, Bill and Rammon, thanks guys.
I have to say I absolutely loved this event. I do not remember the last time I had the priveledge to be involved with anything in bonsai that had such a great atmosphere. It was a joy to attend and I will remember this one for a very long time. Thanks to everyone that worked SO hard to put it all together.
Hopefully it will all happen again next year. If it does BE THERE!
Here are a few snaps of the day and some nice trees that I liked. Sorry for the pic’ quality 🙁