Hope everyone is enjoying the EASTER break ……while I keep working. Sympathy on a postcard please 😉
on March 31, 2024 at 10:53 am
I’m getting a vague sense that somehow, Satsuki Azaleas aren’t your favourite bonsai trees(!)
It’s great though, that even with that in mind, you treat their cultivation sympathetically and diligently. Good on you!
You’re spot on about Japan’s climate in summer. The humidity and light are something very different to anywhere in the UK. There are also many Japanese bonsai nurseries that simply won’t cultivate or sell Azaleas as they are quite unpredictable growth wise, disease prone and can die back without warning, usually just after a customer takes delivery (according to Mr Hamano from Toju-en in Omiya).
Consequently, they tend to be speciality trees, a bit like mame (bean) bonsai collections. Not very commercially viable, but have an aficionado following.
Gary Jones
on March 31, 2024 at 11:58 am
Probably cost about a tenner to send a postcard now !
I went into my Indian open all hours buy anything but pay double shop/post office the other day with a letter wrongly addressed to my home address.
I crossed out my address and wrote the correct one and the helpful lady told me that the Post Office have now withdrawn this previously free service and now making us pay for forwarding, thought you would like that one !
Love the videos , about time we had another rant though !
I’m getting a vague sense that somehow, Satsuki Azaleas aren’t your favourite bonsai trees(!)
It’s great though, that even with that in mind, you treat their cultivation sympathetically and diligently. Good on you!
You’re spot on about Japan’s climate in summer. The humidity and light are something very different to anywhere in the UK. There are also many Japanese bonsai nurseries that simply won’t cultivate or sell Azaleas as they are quite unpredictable growth wise, disease prone and can die back without warning, usually just after a customer takes delivery (according to Mr Hamano from Toju-en in Omiya).
Consequently, they tend to be speciality trees, a bit like mame (bean) bonsai collections. Not very commercially viable, but have an aficionado following.
Probably cost about a tenner to send a postcard now !
I went into my Indian open all hours buy anything but pay double shop/post office the other day with a letter wrongly addressed to my home address.
I crossed out my address and wrote the correct one and the helpful lady told me that the Post Office have now withdrawn this previously free service and now making us pay for forwarding, thought you would like that one !
Love the videos , about time we had another rant though !