First up please accept my apologies for the silence these last few weeks. This time of year I’m a dead man walking, we’re so busy. Getting over a ton of soil products out the door EVERY DAY is killing us all, even my strapping 30-year-old son-in-law. Normal service will be resumed soon 😉
Just time to point out a special offer price on some Japanese unglazed pots I bought far too many of. It’s against my religion to offer a sale price but this lack in concentration has proven I’m far from infallible.
Limited-time offer on some pots in a variety of sizes listed in our section of Japanese Made Quality Stoneware Bonsai Pots. You may have to scroll down a bit to find the specific items.

Japanese Made Quality Stoneware Bonsai Pots

Japanese Made Quality Stoneware Bonsai Pots

Japanese Made Quality Stoneware Bonsai Pots

Japanese Made Quality Stoneware Bonsai Pots