Pleased to say I have a few workshop dates for later this year. I came close to having a melt down earlier this year and decided to take a break for the first time in over 20 years. Now I have had a few weekends to myself, ridden a few miles and cut the grass and I’m bored with all that so time to get back to working weekends again. I may also have been leaned on quite heavily and being weak of will easily capitulated. I have just 5 dates and places, as always, are limited to four each day. Sadly due to having been taken for granted too many times I will now be asking for payment up front which pains me enormously.
Details are here Bonsai Workshops
Give me a call to book on 0800 4580 672
Greetings. I have enjoyed your videos and fine workmanship for quite some time now. But what has happened to your YouTube channel? I have noticed many of the original videos have been replaced with copies. Most of those seem to have missing or distorted audio. Also, I have seen many of your videos and on different channels. In particular James C. Russell. What is the deal with that? Have you been hacked or have you worked a deal out with them?
All the best to you.
There are a lot of talentless folk out there who can only rip of other peoples work. Copy videos have copyrighted audio removed.To be honest I am sick to death of YT and their bullshit. Videos are going to be removed in time.
Vimeo might be a better choice than YT. A shame, I thought you chose some good tunes to go with your overt privet abuse. 🙂
Keep up the great work Mr P, learning a lot & one day I might even save enough shekels to buy one of your lovely tiny trees.