I have now spent 14 days solid sorting out new stock and it’s not even re-potting season yet. Buying yamadori and raw material may well give good value for money but when you have as many pots as we do it makes a cruel task-master. Raw material rarely has mojo, certainly not when the price is low. However with the application of time, dedication, imagination plus a little sprinkling of fairy dust a bonsai tree can slowly be created. Often it takes an experienced eye to see the possibilities and skilled hands to lay the path ahead. No two folk will see the same thing when looking at trees and one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. That’s good because so far I have not seen two trees the same. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Having the courage to do our own thing irrespective of the influence of populist opinion, now that’s a whole other ball game.

Not all of these will are available in the short term, I need to keep something to work on, but offers are always welcome. Please excuse the pictures, a British winter is the worst time to be photographing trees!


pistacia lentiscus

Taxus baccata

Larix Spp – Several available

Acer palmatum – Deshojo

Ulmus minor

Ulmus minor

Prunus mahaleb

Ulmus minor

Acer beurgerianum

Dawn redwood – Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Ulmus minor

Punica granatum

Prunus mahaleb

Ulmus minor

Ulmus minor


Cape Honeysuckle – Bignonia Capensis

Prunus spinosa

Lantana sellowiana

Olea europea

Ulmus minor

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb

Acer palmatum – deshojo

Ulmus minor

Ulmus minor

Ulmus minor

Acer Palmatum – Shishigashira